Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mmmmmmmmemorial Weekend!

Yay, summer (or at least spring) is finally here! We had a beautiful Memorial Weekend. It would have been perfect camping weather.

I started out my weekend with an hour long massage on Friday afternoon. Heaven. Well, ok, so there was also a little pain involved - when she was doing my back, she asked if the pressure was ok or if she should go "deeper," and I told her to go deeper. Ouch! At one point I had to open my eyes wide cause it hurt a bit, but....I liked it! I had never had a really deep massage, and wanted to experience that. It was a great massage, and after dealing with the kids at school, I needed it (just 8 more work days till summer break!).

Saturday I had a craft show just five miles from home (love that...not much travel time). We again had a beautiful day, and it turned out to be a pretty good show for me. Except I need to wash all my tablecloths now, the barbeque guy didn't seem to know what he was doing, and kept smoking us out with the flame/smoke from his grill.

Sunday I went and got some flowers and planted my little flower garden out front. Looks pretty nice now, except there are a few perennials taking over (lily of the valley and something else I don't remember the name of). I might take some of them out, but then again, they fill it in with very little effort on my part. : ) I also found another nice hanging basket to go with the one Bri got me for Mother's Day, so that's done. Bri and Alex also started working on the pool, we decided it was best to just drain the thing this year and start over, it was very nasty. Never did get clean last year and add another year's worth of leaves and dirt, and yuck. They finished that yesterday and we started refilling it. Maybe we'll actually get in this year. I know for once I won't be afraid to stand on the ladder, being 100 lbs. lighter!

Yesterday I made more soap. I've been having pretty good sales with it and keep running out of stock, so I'm trying to keep ahead of that. The six-week cure time can be a pain sometimes, but that's the way it goes.

I had a pretty nice "discovery" this weekend too...I can now wear sandals without my feet hurting! I've bought several pairs, mostly on clearance last fall, and got to start wearing them, and they're fun! Who would have thought such a silly little thing could mean so much. I know people who have never been overweight, much less the word I hate (obese - I just hate the way it sounds), can't possibly understand how something so simple can be so cool, but my feet would hurt so much over the past years all I could wear were those dang old clodhoppers (which I have happily thrown OUT) with the support insoles. Good riddance and hello sandals!

I ended my weekend with a nice relaxing bubble/whirlpool bath. Ahhhh, if only all weekends could begin and end like this one!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Happy for her!

This week my friend, the Queen, got some fantastically exciting news...her surgery has been approved and she's GONNA HAVE THE F-IN SURGERY!!

Yay! Yippee!! I am SO doin' the Happy Dance for her!

There are the "last minute" things to do, like meet with the surgeon and do the pre-surgery appointments, but.....one month from TODAY she's scheduled!

Man is her life about to change....

Oh. My. Gosh.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Let out of jail.

No, I haven't been IN jail...at least not the physical lock-down building!

I was reading an article titled "Woman's decision to undergo gastric bypass changes her life," (like, duh!) and she said this, which rang so true to me:

"Mentally, I never felt like a fat person. Finally, the person I was in my head and the person I am on the outside are ... becoming closer together. It feels like being let out of jail."

That's me, exactly how I feel. Like I've been let out of fat jail! And it's so freeing it's really indescribable.

Yesterday I saw a co-worker who had the FS two years ago. I rarely get to see her at work but I needed some ink so I had to go down to her department. Anyway, when I got back to my desk she had sent me an email that said "You are so skinny! You need to stop losing now, sticks are not cute!" LOL, so we had an email conversation about how things are going for each of us, etc.

I really would like to stop losing, and never ever thought I'd say I wouldn't mind gaining a little weight back, or at least not lose any more. Some days I feel like I eat and eat and eat, but I am still losing, usually only about a pound a week or so, but still...I am becoming a stick person.

But at least I'm not still in jail. : )