Yesterday I had to go to a new dr. in Buffalo, I'm looking into getting my varicose veins taken care of (yay!), and of course had to step on the scale there. My first gut reaction when she said "we need to step on the scale" (like yeah, WE need to step on the first!) was "ugh, I hate the scale." But then I remembered, "oh no, not any more. Now the scale is my friend!"
Well, ok, not really my friend, but not my enemy any longer, that's for sure. Anyway, you know how the doctor's scales have that bottom weight slider that goes to either 100, 150, 200, 250, etc., then the top one is zero to 50 lbs? Well, she first put the bottom one on 100 and I sorta inwardly laughed at that, thinking "yeah, right, this is gonna work!" She slid the top one all the way over to 50 and it wasn't balanced (cuz duh, I weigh more than that!), so she slid the bottom one to 150 and restarted. But it was funny, cause she said "wow, you don't look it!" meaning
I looked like I weigh less than 150 lbs. to a nurse who weighs people all day long?? Amazing. I think it balanced on 166, which is close to what my scale at home says (today it was 163).
The doc was really nice and they did an ultrasound on my veins, and it was very educational and interesting, and thank God they didn't find any extra heartbeats (not that that's even possible anymore)! LOL, at one point he said "wow, that's a HUGE vein!" No shit doc, why do you think I'm here! But for whatever reason, he's unable to do the procedure I need done, and is referring me to a vein place in the cities. The good news is that my deep veins are good, it's just the superficial ones that are bad, so that's cool. When it's all done my legs will LOOK good and FEEL much better. I might be able to wear shorts and...oh my gosh...a skirt?? I don't remember the last time I wore a skirt, probably over a decade or more.
I wish I could have it done today. But I can't, and it'll be probably some time in August or so before I can get an appointment and it gets done cause I'M GOING TO NORTH CAROLINA NEXT WEEKEND FOR TWO WHOLE WEEKS (yes, I'm shouting cause I'm very excited!!)! I decided today that I need to start getting a little sun, cause I am lily white and will be outside a lot more when we're down there, so I just came in from sitting on the deck. Yuck. I am not a sun worshipper and don't enjoy "tanning." But I need to do it, or else I'm gonna be a crispy skeletal thing in about two weeks. : ) If I tan I'll look more mummy-ish (darker, but still skeletal with wrinkly upper arms!). ha ha.
I'm so excited to be going to see Paul and Joy and meet McKenzie (Joy's daughter). Paul's such a great cook...yum, good food, and they're so fun to be around. I really wish we lived closer. It'll be a two-day car ride to get down there, oh joy. Actually I'm looking forward to sitting in a car reading or listening to my mp3 (over Alex's stereo) and just chillin'. It's just me, Bri and Alex going, and I think it'll be a great trip. They're planning a few day trips off by themselves to see the wonders of NASCAR hot-spots. I'll stick around the homestead and eat good food. : )
Oh yeah, the rest of yesterday was good too...I was in Buffalo, and they're "famous" for their Occasional Sales - where the store is only open one weekend a month, and I happened to hit it on the right weekend. So I wandered around downtown for a bit, got a good coffee, went and sat by the lake to drink it, then wandered some more. Didn't really find anything I HAD to have, but it was a fun wandering day by myself (love those!).
I did end up going to Walmart for a few things, and bought myself two new pair of jeans, size 10! Ten!! I had noticed earlier in the day that my 12s were a little bit loose to the point where they get annoying, so I tried on the 10s and they fit pretty good. Strange, cause I haven't lost any more weight, but my body is still changing I guess. Now if only I could grow new boobs...LOL.
Guess that's it for an update! The Queen is doing fantastic too BTW, she's losing weight at an amazing rate and is so excited. She passed a major milestone (certain weight) last week, never to return to it.
Life is good!