Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Good, The Bad...and The Ugly.
The Bad: I discovered I can eat Hershey's Dark Chocolate Kisses with no problems! Yep, the ol' double edged sword. There were these kisses sitting around at work from a staff party, and I love dark chocolate, so I grabbed a handful to put at my desk, intending to just eat them sparingly, thinking they'd cause me problems if I ate more than one or two. Well, I shoulda known myself, cause if it's in front of me, I want to eat it! I probably had about 10 of them yesterday throughout the day, with no problems. But that IS the problem...I don't need them and should continue to avoid stupid crap like that.
The Ugly: Or maybe I should say "The Stupid!" Last night I had some Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream, some of their "Five" brand (called that cause it only has five ingredients). I didn't eat much, cause I know that ice cream can cause problems, but man oh man, cause problems it did! I probably only had about 1/3 of a cup, and about 10 minutes later I had to grab an old ice cream bucket cause I thought I was gonna throw up. I didn't, but my stomach hurt SO bad for a good 45 minutes. I finally went to bed, thinking that laying down and going to sleep would just get rid of the pain, and it did.
What's it gonna take for me to learn??? I don't know.
But I think last night may have just done it. : )
Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ok, and to be fair, they ARE stretch jeans and I WAS squeezed into them and stretching them as far as they'd go...but still!!
I can now say I've lost 100 lbs.! I still shake my head in disbelief when I think about it.
I was telling the Queen the other day, cause she's SO excited to have the FS in just a few short weeks, good as you think it's gonna feel to be rid of all the actually feels a million times better!
Monday, April 13, 2009
The wind in my hair...the Harley in my dreams...
I took a bike ride around the block (actually a bit more than that) after getting home from work. I had planned this morning to go walking/running with Carol after school, but she wants to concentrate on running a lot this week and next to WIN the Biggest Loser contest at school (which she's gonna do!), and I wasn't in the mood for running, plus I had some parenting that needed done after school, so I came home instead. I had walked the block yesterday and have been itching to get on the bike, so that's what I chose to do today.

It was a nice workout for my legs and felt good. It was a tad bit chilly out, but not too bad. I love riding bike, I get a sense of freedom when I ride. Not quite like on a Harley,'ll do for now.
Some of my fondest memories are riding bike in the summer at night when I was in my very late teens and early twenties. Like around 10-11 pm late, in the cool night air riding through what was then a smallish college town. The town had gone to bed (well, ok except for the college kids!), the streets were nearly empty, and it was peaceful enough to hear the frogs and crickets. It was heaven.
Someday I'd love to do the MS 150 bike ride. Maybe next year. I'm pretty sure it's too late for this year, I think it's usually in May. But...if I start working on it now and over the summer, maybe, just maybe, I could do it next year.
Before I turn 50! Yikes, now there's a scary thought! I had wanted to do it for my 40th birthday, but was too fat and out of shape to even really dream much of doing it.
Things are MUCH different now. This nearly-50-year-old could do it I'm sure.
And she just might. : )
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Wheeeeeeeeee.................I mean Wii!
Got up, had my morning quiet time to myself with a cup of coffee and a book (love weekend mornings). After Doug got up we went to Perkins for breakfast (had a 20% off coupon), then Menards to get a few things, like a new mailbox cause ours has been "taken out" three times since last summer, and won't stay closed anymore, which presents it's own problems.
Then....we stopped at the Harley dealership! (BIG grin!)
Oh we want one. I suggested we stop and get the 'ol law of attraction juices flowing by touching, hearing and sitting on one (or more), so we did. I had no idea how big that place was, the basement of the store has hundreds and hundreds of bikes down there (the used ones we went to ogle). We fell in love with the bikes. Of course the salesman, Jim, asked if we were interested in one or two, and had me sit alone on several that he said I could handle. Ha. I'm not interested in driving one, I just like to sit back and enjoy the scenery without worrying about traffic headaches. But it was fun to straddle the bike, turn the wheel on it and VISUALIZE and FEEL the power and wind in my hair. And when he started one up...oh, the sound I love!
And you should have seen Doug's eyes! Talk about a buzz! I kept looking over at him, and I swear he had a Harley High, LOL. His eyes were wide and huge and he almost seemed to be glowing. Of course the prices were a Harley High too, around fifteen grand or more or what we'd like, so we'll keep looking and dreaming and seeing ourselves riding one. Somehow it'll happen, I know it will.
We were talking last night during our Saturday night "tub time," and I recalled giving away a Harley many years ago when Cal died. I gave his best friend his old Sportster, which was worth some good money, but I've never regretted giving it to him and I'd do it again today. They were best friends their whole life, and I told Tom he could have it, of course he drove up from Michigan within days to get it, probably before I could change my mind. I know he's cherished it all these years, and that gives me a good feeling. But now I want another one!!
Ok, so after we left the Harley dealer, Doug went home, I went shopping (the Queen laughs at how often I say I'm going shopping these days). Fashion Bug was having a deal on the dress pants I wear to work, usually $26.99 but from 10am-2pm they were $14.99, so I got another pair a size smaller, which acually fit me now. Cool. Found a penny on the floor of the changing room too. Of course I picked it up, more money in my pocket. : )
So then I traveled on to Target in Otsego, found a great pair of grey pants (hey, I don't have any grey!) on clearance for six bucks! Found another penny in the dressing room too! Then I went over to look at Wii systems. The nice older guy in electronics helped me and told me what all I needed. This other lady was there getting the Wii Fit board, she said she was surprised they had any, I guess they're hard to find in stock. I asked her how she liked her Wii and she loved it. The sales guy said he had 14 boards come in that morning, and only had 6 left at that point, so I got one of those with the system.
He asked me if I had a 10% off coupon that people had been getting in the mail, and I said no, dang it, cause that would be a good chunk of money. Well, sweet man, he gave me 10% off anyway! What a guy!
Finished checking out of Target, and they have a Starbucks in the store. I took that broken gift card that I found in the ditch a while ago over and asked if they'd replace it, and she did, gave me a beautiful new card in a nice little fancy envelope and I got a delicious tea to enjoy on the way home, compliments of the Queen.
Came home, a gorgeous spring day to be out driving the country roads (though it would have been even more enjoyable on that new Harley!). Alex and Bri were here, so Alex put the Wii together for me while I sat there and enjoyed a Chocolate Steamed Nirvana that Bri had brought me from Dunn Bros. Man....does it get any better than that? : ) I didn't have any of the frustrations of putting it all together.
Got the Wii set up and Bri and Alex boxed each other. Funny! Then I boxed Bri. I can see this being fun. Then a little while later I went down and got the Fit board going, it's pretty cool. Heck, that little board is smart! It tells you how much you weigh too. There are some pretty cool balance games that are a lot harder than you'd think. I tried the yoga and the skiing game, what fun. Maybe, just maybe, if my balance improves, I can try roller blading (for real, not on the Wii), which I was thinking about today (how much fun it looks).
Ok, then a little while later it was dinner and tub time. ; ) Usually on Saturday nights Doug and I enjoy a whirlpool bubble bath together (sorry kids that that grosses you out, but grow up!) with a bottle or two of wine and candlelight. It's become treasured time, we sit in the tub for a couple hours (it has a heater to keep the water nice and toasty warm), enjoy our wine, sometimes a little chocolate, and talk, talk, talk. We talk about anything and everything, it's really nice and after 21 years of marriage, I think we're even learning a few things about each other too!
So yes, it was THE most excellent day. THE most excellent.
Thursday, April 9, 2009 little boy

Earlier this week I went shopping (surprise, surprise!) cause I had a $10 off coupon at Christopher & Banks. Carol and I had gone there a few weeks ago and they do have some cute stuff, though they also have a lot of "teachery" or old-lady styles too, part of the reason I never really shopped there before. But that day I found THE cutest Christmas sweater, on clearance of course. Marked down from $45 to $5. Seriously, it's very cute. No, it doesn't have reindeer, santa or snowmen, it sorta reminds me of Dr. Suess's who-ville. Made me wish it was December now so I could wear it. I asked Carol how soon I could wear it, she said not till December 1st, so I marked it on my calendar on December 1st to wear my Christmas sweater so I don't forget about it! How crazy is that?!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
WOW moment!

Well, this particular day we had a lot of tvs returned, and a kid needed a certain book, which of course was at the very back of this little newly formed "hallway."
I headed back there, and stopped and just looked at the situation, and sorta froze for a second. Then I thought, "ok, I think I can fit in there," and I did! Effortlessly! It was amazing, there was actually a lot of room for me to get the book and back. Before surgery I would have had to move out a bunch of carts to get back there.
Then I had another cool revelation...I was thinking, and I sorta wish I had taken measurements before surgery (I'll have to look, I might have some in a little stash area), cause I would bet that I'm about as wide now, hip to hip, as I was front to back before.
I'm gonna go look for that piece of paper, though I might have thrown it out in frustration a long time ago....