Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Good, The Bad...and The Ugly.

The Good: I discovered I can eat Hershey's Dark Chocolate Kisses with no problems!

The Bad: I discovered I can eat Hershey's Dark Chocolate Kisses with no problems! Yep, the ol' double edged sword. There were these kisses sitting around at work from a staff party, and I love dark chocolate, so I grabbed a handful to put at my desk, intending to just eat them sparingly, thinking they'd cause me problems if I ate more than one or two. Well, I shoulda known myself, cause if it's in front of me, I want to eat it! I probably had about 10 of them yesterday throughout the day, with no problems. But that IS the problem...I don't need them and should continue to avoid stupid crap like that.

The Ugly: Or maybe I should say "The Stupid!" Last night I had some Haagen Dazs coffee ice cream, some of their "Five" brand (called that cause it only has five ingredients). I didn't eat much, cause I know that ice cream can cause problems, but man oh man, cause problems it did! I probably only had about 1/3 of a cup, and about 10 minutes later I had to grab an old ice cream bucket cause I thought I was gonna throw up. I didn't, but my stomach hurt SO bad for a good 45 minutes. I finally went to bed, thinking that laying down and going to sleep would just get rid of the pain, and it did.

What's it gonna take for me to learn??? I don't know.

But I think last night may have just done it. : )

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