Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vein vein vein.....

I'm getting my veins "done!" Soon, too! The Monday after Thanksgiving I'm going in to have some of them laser-ed closed, at which point my body will re-absorb them (YUCK...I hate thinking about that!) and others they'll puncture little tiny holes in my legs, cut the veins into pieces, and pull them out. LOL, now THAT'S a pretty picture, huh?! Speaking of, I'm gonna try and take before and after pictures...we'll see.

My veins are so bad it'll take them two days to do it all! Wow. I knew they were bad, but man. I guess a body can only "take" so much Lidocane in a day, and they said it'll take two times to do it all. Wow. Then I go back the third day to have 'em check it all over and make sure they got everything and that it's all going ok. I'll be off work the whole week, thankfully we already have Monday off anyway, so I'll really only miss (as if I "miss" work...ha) four days.

Now the only other surgery I want is a boob job! : )

Then I'll be good to go!

Go where??


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