I ate a couple tortilla rollups (you know...the little cut rolled up pieces with cream cheese, etc. in them) on Christmas Eve around 4pm. Wasn't long after that when I started feeling bad....really bad. I figured, ok...something in there didn't agree with me. As seems to be my pattern with holiday get-togethers lately, I retreated to the bedroom...for the whole evening! I came out every once in a while when I thought I was feeling better, only to return a short while later, missing all the fun. Although, it is kind of interesting just listening to ALL the conversations going on while you can't see anyone.
I did get to see some adorable things on a couple of my times among the crowd - the little kids had a blast playing with clothespins! They were sticking them on all over themselves, becoming porcupines, it was hilarious. Tammy's kids and Heather's step-daughter are SO adorable.

Meanwhile I'd start feeling bad (extreme stomach pain) and retreat to the bedroom/bathroom and try to throw up. Not much came out (aren't you happy to be reading this??). I began to think it was the flu, because usually when something just doesn't agree with me it only takes about an hour and I'm feeling fine again. This wasn't happening.
On a scale of 1-10, I'd say my stomach pain, and back pain by now, was about an 8 or 9. After everyone left and Doug came to bed he asked if I wanted to go to the hospital. Naw...I can ride this out, but hey, while you're up would you bring me my laptop?? : )
I sat in bed and looked up "human anatomy organs" in Google images. As soon as I saw where the gallbladder is located, I knew that was it. I read a little online, and yep, everything fit. After about another hour I decided it was time to go to the emergency room, despite our huge snowstorm and horrible roads. Hospital is about 15 miles away. Real fun drive.
They hooked me up to an IV (oh yippee, hate them) and gave me some fluids, pain meds, and anti-nausea meds. Took some blood to check labs on things, everything came back normal (there isn't a test for gall bladder, but they checked other things). So we left there with some more pain meds, anti-nausea meds and an appointment for Tuesday morning for an ultrasound of my gallbladder. Another fun drive home, crawled into bed around 3am Christmas morning.
So it's a lazy, lazy Christmas, still in my pjs and most likely will be all day, which is fine with me. I guess some people live with gallbladder attacks for years, but not me, they can take this sucker out as soon as possible. That was NO fun. I am not a wimp, so for me to even admit that I needed to go to the emergency room is big.
There's a family history of gall bladder problems (a sister and brother have had theirs out) and it's a very common problem after gastric bypass too, so this is no surprise I guess, except it IS a surprise, cause I don't really have health problems. Oh joy!
Doug says I must be getting old(er). Duh. : )
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