Friday, July 30, 2010

Not a whole lot new

here in Never-Never Land.

I think, when we came home from vacation, that I saw in the mail an envelope from my gastric doctor, probably about my TWO YEAR checkup. But I musta thrown it out or something, cause I haven't seen it since getting home! And if I remember correctly, it was a sorta thick envelope. Oh well, if it's important they'll contact me again, right?! Although I really should schedule my checkup...

Wow, has it really been two years already?!! Yes, it has. August 6 will be my 2-year-surgiversary.

It has been quite a ride, one I'm so glad I jumped on!

So, maybe I should list the good and bad so far. Ok....

Bad parts of surgery/life after:

I don't do hamburgers anymore. They're just too dense for me and make me not feel good. When I make hamburgers at home for everyeone else I just eat something else. It's all good.

I don't do milk anymore. Or ice cream. Or yogurt. ONCE in a while I miss them, but not often. It's weird, I can have some granola cereal with half-and-half, but not milk. And I can eat some ice cream, but not just any old ice cream, and certainly not Haagen-Dazs. DQ small vanilla cone works for me, but my ice cream addiction has been cured, I rarely even think about it anymore. I get my calcium from supplements now, although I should be better at taking them (I'm better at that during the school year).

Ok, this could be good or bad: I usually have to stop eating WAY before I want to! Duh, that's how I ended up needing gastric to begin with, so that should probably go in the "good" file!

I don't like showing my arms in short sleeves, but I still wear them anyway. What the heck, it's not the end of the world if I have ugly arms in public...I've seen worse!! Much worse. Today I saw...oh geez, never mind what I saw. It wasn't good. Made me cringe and feel really bad for that person.

Right now that's all the bad stuff I can think of!

Good partsof surgery/life after:

A buzz is easy to get, I'm a cheap date!! LOL. A little bit of wine is all I need! And a Lemon Drop...oh my!

I have, according to Sanchez, "the world's biggest closet!" And I love it! It's been a lot of fun trying new styles and seeing what I like and don't like, instead of just wearing what will cover my fat body (and usually not very stylishly).

I can shop pretty much anywhere, and can find clothes very cheaply on clearance. LoVe it!

I've realized recently that I've become VERY comfortable wearing shorts. I don't even think twice before putting them on and walking out the door, yep, in public! It's so weird. Ok, so they're still down to my knees, but hey, they're shorts! And shorter than capris.

I am rarely hot, even in the summer. My "natural" insulation is gone. And since I prefer to be cold rather than hot, it's fantastic. I could almost live without the air conditioner. 70 degrees is fairly cool to me.

My feet don't hurt at all anymore. I can wear cheap sandals and be comfortable walking all day. That's a relief (literally!). That was such a battle before, my feet used to hurt constantly.

Since having vein surgery my legs don't look so bad anymore either. Hence, that's probably why I wear shorts. duh.

Oh, oh, oh....(jumping up and down cause I just remembered this one!)...on the Damtrak trip I fit SO very comfortably into the seat! At least butt did hurt quite a bit after sitting in the seat for just a bit (that should go on the "bad" list), and sleeping was still a pain, but I could crunch up in a seat made for two. But I can fit anywhere comfortably now...sitting in a restaurant booth with legs crossed, crouching down to pick up something from the ground, etc. Fab-U-lous!

I swear that often times men treat me differently now than they did when I was fat. They're nicer. They talk to me longer. They look me in the eye. They actually flirt a little!! It's kinda fun. I like it.

Right now that's all I can think of...I'm gettin' tired and such, so I'm gonna end this. I may come back and edit in a day ot two if I think of anything else.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Happy, Happy. Joy, Joy! Loved reading this! Good for you, Valarie!!!!