It's my birthday (wow, 48 already!), and for once, I don't mind having pictures taken! Finally. I had Wes take a few pics of me this morning (so now some people can quit bugging me to post new pictures!!). He was standing on a chair, so it's sort of a weird view, kind of like my legs are really short or something. I also have on two shirts, because I'm cold often these days. Of course being in the middle of a Minnesota winter doesn't help.
I did a comparison picture (before surgery and now). Yuck...I don't even like to look at the old pictures.
I've lost about 63 lbs. now, actually if you count from a year ago, 76 lbs.! Amazing. I can feel such a difference. I'm planning to get my treadmill fixed over the Christmas break because I really feel like using it, which alone is something weird. I WANT to use it! I have an URGE to use it.
Finally! I'm glad you posted some new pictures! Lookin' great! You know how I said I think you look taller since your weight loss? Well, the pics Wesley took does not have the same affect!(or is it effect, my dear editor friend!)
Wow, you look great!
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