Alex and his modeling talent!!

I'd LOVE to taste these, I bet they were delicious.

So I took a little road trip with Bri and Alex this week up to my sister's in Ashland, Wisconsin. We went through Duluth on Monday, and stopped to wander around the shops in Canal Park. One place we went into was this Chocolate Factory where they had beautiful "caramel" apples. But they weren't just caramel, they had amazing concoctions of whatever you would want on an apple. They looked SO good, but at $5.50 each, I didn't buy one, cause I know I couldn't finish it anyway.
Yesterday we walked out on frozen Lake Superior to see some of the ice caves at the Apostle Islands. I had kayaked out there a few years ago with Paula, and it's really cool. Seeing it all frozen was pretty neat too. She said it was about 2 1/2 miles one way, so we had a good 5-mile walk across the ice, sometimes a bit slippery (no, I hadn't taken my Yak Trax with me...idiot!). We all fell at least once, but no injuries. I've never walked on a frozen lake before, it sorta scares me, even though people drive big huge trucks out there. Guess that comes from growing up in Ohio where lakes don't freeze like that. It still amazes me, after living in Minnesota for 24 years, that people drive out onto the frozen lakes.
Anyway, we had a good walk, my legs were tired, then we stopped in a little town and had lunch. I had chili and 1/2 a grilled cheese sandwich, a little protein.
Paula is such a great cook, it sorta inspires me to actually take some time and make some decent meals. But that all takes time planning too, and shopping each week off of a list. Not what I'm used to. But I'll think about it at least. You never know...I could certainly use some inspiration and new meal options.
Going home tomorrow, still have a few days of spring break then back to the grind. It's been a nice break!
I've even hugged a puppy! : ) They have an adorable little dog named Jake, who is just the cutest. Bri's been amazed cause I don't much pet Willa at home, but Jake has captured my heart. He's little, and soft, and all one color! Even his brown eyes match his brown fur, which does NOT fly all over the place like Willa's. I'd take him home with me if I could!
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