Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Motivational speaker??

Found some new settings on my computer! : )

Yesterday was a weird day...I talked to two different people about gastric bypass surgery, one who approached me about the topic is someone I never would have guessed would have been interested, let alone actually come up to me to ask about having it. He's someone I don't know very well but see often at work. The other was another lady at work who's friend is considering the surgery, and I gave her my phone and email for her friend (cause I'm willing to talk to anyone about it and answer any questions I can), and suggested the site http://www.obesityhelp.com/ - a fantastic website with all kinds of info on all the different surgeries, what to expect, how they work, etc. and very interesting forums where you can learn so much more and interact with others considering surgery or who have already been through it.

Anyway, I had some shopping to do after school, and as I was leaving the store I recalled an incident a few years back. I was at a friend's house, and another friend was there, and we were talking...and I said that I've always had this "feeling" that I was supposed to be or would become a motivational speaker. Weird, huh?? Anyway, one of the friends just busted a gut at that one, like "yeah, sure...what EVER! You??" It's just one of those feelings, like you know something is supposed to happen to you, but you're not sure how, why, or if it ever will...or if you're just plain nuts.

Well, yesterday as I was walking out of the store, it kind of hit me...I HAVE become a motivational speaker! No, I'm not on a big stage raking in the money telling people how to become millionaires or whatnot, but I AM telling anyone who is interested about the surgery and how my life has changed because of it, and what it can do for them. It's life changing to say the least. One thing the guy at work said to me was "Don't take this wrong, but before you always looked...."uncomfortable" with yourself, and now it's like you're a whole new person."

That's cause I am. I ditched the 100-lb. person who was riding on my back. Good riddance. (Or as Briana wrote to me in a note when she was little...Good Rits!)

1 comment:

Carol said...

I laughed out loud! Love the weird picture!