Sunday, April 26, 2009


So today I needed to clean out the closet again and see what I have for summer, if it ever gets here (bag number SEVEN for the Queen now!), and ran across a pair of my old "fat" jeans. I took them out to show Tate, and I said, "hmm...I wonder if I could fit both legs into one pants leg?" These were the pants I had on the day of surgery, last August, almost 9 months ago (my 9-month checkup is May 4). And at one point I'm sure I wore pants at least a size bigger.

Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it provided us with some good laughs! I came out of the bedroom, barely able to walk 'cause my feet could only move a few inches at a time. Sorta like a little Chinese lady who takes tiny, tiny steps.

But look!!

Ok, and to be fair, they ARE stretch jeans and I WAS squeezed into them and stretching them as far as they'd go...but still!!

I can now say I've lost 100 lbs.! I still shake my head in disbelief when I think about it.

I was telling the Queen the other day, cause she's SO excited to have the FS in just a few short weeks, good as you think it's gonna feel to be rid of all the actually feels a million times better!

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow! Freakin' wow!! Happy 100 to you! Looking good and feeling great! Congratulations!!