Ok, I've been back to work for 28 work days now, and only repeated an outfit once so far (as far as tops, I do only have a few pair of pants that fit)! And that was 'cause I was in a hurry that morning, had tried on several things and nothing was "working" for me that morning, so I just grabbed something. Dang...I really wanted to see how long I could go without repeating! LOL
Got a few more blazers this weekend at Goodwill, they had 50% off all winter sweaters, coats, etc., so for $12.00 I got two very pretty blazers and a sweater. One of the blazers still had tags on it. Love it.
I'm really looking forward to spring this year, I'm tired of being cold all the dang time. Of course it might help if the house was warmer than 49 degrees when we got up this morning! Yikes.
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