Thursday, January 15, 2009

Why do I do this??

I ate ice cream. Sigh....

I know ice cream makes me feel crappy now. I know it makes my stomach hurt. I know I will feel nauseous...and want to go to sleep. WTF?? Ice cream makes me want to take a nap.

So what do I do? Today we were in town and I said "some good ice cream sounds good" and Doug agreed. So I went into Coborn's and got us each (and one for Wes) a small container of Haagen Daz ice cream, knowing I wouldn't eat much of it anyway. I got him one full of goodies, mine was plain vanilla with honey.

A little while ago I ate a small portion of the carton, which is not a whole lot. Maybe 1/4 cup, if that. Tasted ok, not fantastic, and I told Taylor she could have the rest.

Now I feel yucky. My stomach is feeling nauseous. Thank God it's almost bedtime anyway, cause I wanna go to sleep!! I don't know if it's my stomach working so hard to process the sugar or what, but it makes me sleepy.

Anyway, I must be a slow learner. But then again, this is only about the third time I've tried ice cream (my old poison of choice) since August, so maybe I'm not so slow after all. : )

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