Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Well now....

Is it over...or is it not?

Day two, they finished the right leg and did most of the left. I was not very happy to hear they ran to the end of the daily limit of lidocane so there are a few bulgy veins they didn't take out. Dang it, and of course one of them is one that bugs me the most! Ugh. They said that they closed the "feeder vein" to this one so it should shrink on it's own, but I wanted it GONE. Forever.

So we'll see when I go back tomorrow and then in a month for my checkup. If it's not gone or shrinking enough, then I'll have them take that one (two actually) out too. Oh yay, something else to look forward to. But at least that would be a fairly easy day. I did look at my "before" pics today. Yuck.

Got my beautiful compression stockings today too, thankfully I'll only have to wear them for a week. Man, they're hard to get on, but they did feel pretty good once I had them on (part way was all we did today).

Came home and slept a few more hours, the pain woke me up. Headed for the vicoden soon and back to bed.

Gotta go back tomorrow for an ultrasound and re-check, then I'm done.

If you're NOT queazy...go to youtube and type in Ambulatory Phlebectomy. : )

1 comment:

Carol said...

Post the pics!! Do it! I dare ya!