Tuesday, December 1, 2009


That describes yesterday, day one of the vein removal. Yeowch! It all went well, but I sure wish I had had something more than a bit of valium ("so I don't care so much what's going on" they said). There were a few times when I almost...almost cried. One spot in particular, which I have the same issue on the left leg (to be done today) hurt like a son of a bitch. Yay....I get to look forward to that today. But they said they'd give me a little bit more valium...I say YES!! Bring it on.

They asked me if I was interested in seeing what my veins looked like, so of course I said yes. Looked like a worm that you see on the sidewalk after the rain, about an inch or so long, flat and whitish. Mmmmm. Aren't you glad you're reading this? : ) Not what I thought it would look like.

So in a little bit we leave to go back and they'll finish one spot on the right leg and then do the left leg. I'm glad I took the whole week off, cause my leg is all wrapped tight and I walk like a peg-leg pirate. But my leg looked SO much better already (before they wrapped it I looked at it). They took "before" pics and will take some "after" in about a month for my checkup. I took some "before" too, but I'm not so sure I want anyone to see 'em! We'll see.

Off to see the wizard...I mean doctor. Again.

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